Category: Dental Care
Library Park Dental participates in National Facial Protection Month, which is sponsored by the Academy for Sports Dentistry, the American…
Gum recession can happen for many reasons – genetics, aging, vigorous brushing, hormone fluctuations, or poor dental care. The recession allows…
Crowns are more and more frequently placed in order to protect teeth and maintain function. This function could be aesthetic (appearance) or…
Don’t panic, and call the dentist promptly if you can see a crack or break in a tooth, or if you have swelling.
Sometimes people try to “wait…
But many people do not know exactly what they are or why your dentist and hygienist at Libary Park Dental will encourage you to get them.
For many years now, the dental team at Library Park Dental has encouraged patients to use electric toothbrushes because of the superior way that…
Your dental hygienist has been trained to help you take better care of your teeth. At Library Park Dental your hygienist will take bitewing…
It’s that time of the year, and between the caramel apples and the bags of candy carefully placed throughout the store to catch your eye, we…
There are many causes for dry mouth and there are also many ways to combat it.
What Are the Symptoms of Dry Mouth?
Some people only have dry,…
We’ve all heard the saying “that sets my teeth on edge”. We also can instantly picture someone clenching their jaw. But stress results in more…